

The Spice Revolution is an authentic brand set up by Mamta
Deshpande and Harmanjot Singh Bains. We offer home
grown premium products inspired from age old techniques
and values. We provide a variety of around 20 various
We aim not only to deliver a premium quality of our products but also the most flavorsome and homestyle spices. Why 
buy from us? Our co-founders believe that before taste
comes the aroma, and our spices are the soul of the food you
choose to have.


Our authenticity lies in bringing the Indian flavors into your
doorsteps. The true essence of food comes with its spices
and The Spice Revolution bring out the spice of your life into the
food you cook. We at The Spice Revolution offer home grown
premium products inspired from age old techniques and
The main feature of all is the process we go through to
achieve the finest and the best quality spices. With exclusive
and classic use of machines and with no artificial flavors, we
are the most sustainable brand of all. Kandap machine which
has been used for years along, plays a crucial character in
making of The Spice Revolution. By bringing into use these
ancestral machines, it gives you another reason to opt our


Our USP lies into Spices that we offer the home grown
premium products inspired from age old techniques and
values. The Spice Revolution offers ethically chemical
preservative free mixes.
With exclusive and classic use of machines and with no
artificial flavors, we are the most sustainable brand of all. . By
bringing into use these ancestral machines, it gives you
another reason to opt our products.
Its not just about the the making of it, its the scent of spices
which you get on your dining table everyday.
Finally we dont just deliver pan India we are also open to
serve our products to the global market

Our Team

Mamta Deshpande and Harmanjot Singh Bains, the co-founders have come a long with a dream to deliver the home-style
spices to the world of premium mixes. The co-founders first started their entrepreneurial journey with making spice mixes and
selling it in a small biz. With the bewildering response, Harman and Mamta founded the ‘The Spice Revolution’.





The Spice Revolution's Recipes

By The Spice Revolution


Fusce dignissim blandit justo, eget elementum risus tristique. Nunc lacus lacus, sit amet accumsan est pulvinar non. Praesent tristique enim lorem. Phasellus a auctor lacus.

Aenean sed nibh a magna posuere tempor. Nunc faucibus pellentesque nunc in aliquet. Donec congue, nunc vel tempor congue, enim sapien lobortis ipsum, in volutpat sem.

Ethan Lucas

Aenean sed nibh a magna posuere tempor. Nunc faucibus pellentesque nunc in aliquet. Donec congue, nunc vel tempor congue, enim sapien lobortis ipsum, in volutpat sem.

Sara Freeman

Aenean sed nibh a magna posuere tempor. Nunc faucibus pellentesque nunc in aliquet. Donec congue, nunc vel tempor congue, enim sapien lobortis ipsum, in volutpat sem.

Kelly Carpenter